
Microzone’s MegaMix range of PCR master mixes sets the standard for ease of use, consistency, and efficiency in DNA amplification. Our original MegaMix product revolutionized laboratory workflows by eliminating the need for researchers to purchase and assemble individual components. This innovation not only provided stability between batches but also ensured consistent, reliable results in DNA amplification processes.

Since the introduction of MegaMix, numerous companies have developed their own PCR master mixes, but we are confident that not all master mixes are created equally. At Microzone, we develop our products with a deep understanding of PCR and the specific conditions required to achieve robust, efficient, and consistent results. Our range of end-point PCR master mixes includes both regular and hot start Taq polymerases, catering to a variety of applications such as gDNA, cDNA, and plasmid amplification.

Expanding on our expertise, we have also introduced advanced solutions for qPCR and RT-qPCR, bridging our extensive knowledge of DNA and RNA technologies. We take pride in manufacturing our own in-house fluorescent dye, MicroGreen, which boasts greater fluorescence than alternatives on the market, making it ideal for dye-based qPCR and High Resolution Melting (HRM) applications.

One of our most recent advancements is the Hi-Fidelity Master Mix, which offers a fidelity rate 250 times greater than regular Taq polymerase. This high-fidelity mix enables the amplification of products up to 40Kb with remarkable speed and precision, significantly enhancing the efficiency of PCR workflows. Researchers and diagnosticians can trust MegaMix for its ability to provide reliable, high-quality results consistently, allowing them to maximize their productivity and research outcomes.

Overall, the MegaMix range embodies Microzone’s commitment to innovation and excellence in PCR technology, offering solutions that simplify and enhance the DNA amplification process for laboratories worldwide.