
MyZol for TRIzol – MAGneat RNA Extraction Kit



The MyZol Kit provides efficient RNA extraction from samples stored in TRIzol, including cells, viruses, tissues, and biological liquids. Utilizing MAGneat magnetic bead technology, the kit enables selective and reversible RNA binding, achieving superior yields compared to spin-column methods. Microzone’s proprietary buffers ensure the removal of contaminants, delivering high-purity RNA suitable for sensitive downstream applications.

The method is fast, with complete RNA extraction in as little as 45 minutes, and is fully automatable, making it suitable for high-throughput workflows. TRIzol inactivation provides an additional layer of biosafety, reducing the risk of pathogen exposure.

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50 Extractions

The MyZol Kit provides efficient RNA extraction from samples stored in TRIzol, including cells, viruses, tissues, and biological liquids. Utilizing MAGneat magnetic bead technology, the kit enables selective and reversible RNA binding, achieving superior yields compared to spin-column methods. Microzone’s proprietary buffers ensure the removal of contaminants, delivering high-purity RNA suitable for sensitive downstream applications.

The method is fast, with complete RNA extraction in as little as 45 minutes, and is fully automatable, making it suitable for high-throughput workflows. TRIzol inactivation provides an additional layer of biosafety, reducing the risk of pathogen exposure.

  • Table 1. MyZol for TRIzol – MAGneat RNA Extraction Kit outperforms other commercially available TRIzol RNA extraction kits. RNA was extracted from 6.25 mg of homogenised avian muscle tissue in TRIzol, using the MAGneat MIzol Kit—for TRIzol RNA Extraction and a commercially available comparator. Yield was measured using the Qubit 4 Fluorimeter from ThermoFisher and the A260/A280 and A260/A230 ratios were assessed using the NP80 Touch Nanophotometer from Implen.

  • Figure 1. Comparison of Manual and Automated MAGneat MIzol Kit — for TRIzol RNA Extraction. RT-qPCR amplification of the RdRp gene from SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. Nasopharyngeal swab was collected and stored in TRIzol and extracted using the MAGneat MIzol kit — for TRIzol RNA Extraction using both manual (magNEAT magnetic seperator) and automated (HeiDi-NA automated extraction system) methods. Green curves represent manually extracted samples and blue curves represent samples extracted using the HeiDi-NA automated extraction system.

  • High Purity – Proprietary buffers remove contaminants, ensuring high-quality RNA.
  • Superior Yield – Magnetic bead technology purifies more RNA compared to spin-column methods.
  • Fast Workflow – Complete extraction in as little as 45 minutes.
  • Automation Ready – Compatible with liquid handling systems and magnetic processors.
  • Pathogen Inactivation – TRIzol effectively inactivates a broad range of pathogens.
  • RT-PCR and qPCR
  • Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
  • Microarray Genotyping
  • Enzymatic Reactions
  • Product Code: 2MN-MI-50
  • Number of Extractions: 50
  • Components: MyZol for TRIzol – MAGneat RNA Extraction Kit
  • RNA Quality Metrics:
    • A260/A280 ratio: ~2.01
    • A260/A230 ratio: ~1.89
    • Yield: 9–13 µg (dependent on sample type)

For automation inquiries, contact Microzone for specific recommendations.

  • High Purity – Proprietary buffers remove contaminants, ensuring high-quality RNA.
  • Superior Yield – Magnetic bead technology purifies more RNA compared to spin-column methods.
  • Fast Workflow – Complete extraction in as little as 45 minutes.
  • Automation Ready – Compatible with liquid handling systems and magnetic processors.
  • Pathogen Inactivation – TRIzol effectively inactivates a broad range of pathogens.
  • RT-PCR and qPCR
  • Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)
  • Microarray Genotyping
  • Enzymatic Reactions
  • Product Code: 2MN-MI-50
  • Number of Extractions: 50
  • Components: MyZol for TRIzol – MAGneat RNA Extraction Kit
  • RNA Quality Metrics:
    • A260/A280 ratio: ~2.01
    • A260/A230 ratio: ~1.89
    • Yield: 9–13 µg (dependent on sample type)

For automation inquiries, contact Microzone for specific recommendations.

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